Monday, August 13, 2012

Blessed are the gentle (meek/humble) for they shall inherit the earth

Who are the gentle (meek/humble)?

The poor in spirit and those who mourn (Matthew 5: 3 & 4).  
Those who ARE spiritually poor and mourn most greviously their sins, realize how much they need God. They are removed from pride in themselves,(humbled). They know that without the Holy Spirit aiding, they are unable to meet God’s laws and the Beatitudes. It is the first step towards His rule. What power this is to the meek to be under the rule of the great Omnipotent Omniscient and Omnipresent God?! If all are under Christ’s feet and Christ is in this meek man, then all belong to him. There is no lack and he can truly say “The Lord is my shepherd, there is nothing I lack”

[Until it hits us that we are vile sinners, until we are humbled, we will not take that step to move away from self idolization, self rule and into God’s rule, into the Kingdom of the Son that he loves (Colossians 1: 13)].
Philippians 2:3 practitioners. (a) Doing nothing from rivalry or conceit (b) In humility counting others more significant that themselves (c) Looking NOT ONLY in their own interest but the interest of others (d) Being like Christ Jesus- though He was in the form of God, did not count equality with God as something to be grasped but made Himself nothing taking the form of a servant. He came as human and humbled himself in obedience to the point of death on the cross (should we not as His sheep follow suit?).

Those who not only stay the angry blow but is in such a state that they do not feel or think of retaliating. What freedom meekness brings?! What power?! He is so absent from pride (he feels that there is nothing in himself to boast about) he does not retaliate but is able to calmly move on.

Those who are not always watching themselves and are worried about themselves or care what others say. Again what freedom, what power?! He is not defensive.

Those who are without self pity. He is already humbled. There is no room in him to say or think “Oh how unkind they are to me” “Oh I am having such a hard time” As John Bunyan said “ He that is down need fear no fall”

Those who are constantly amazed that other men and God can think well of him or think him worth loving and saving.

He that is patient and long suffering. He empathizes with others whom he recognizes are also not perfect, are sinners, lost and require saving.

Those who are ready to listen and who have a teachable spirit. He is humbled and therefore is open to be taught. How blessed he is?! He is ready to be led by our Lord. Truly he will inherit the earth.

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