Friday, September 27, 2013

LUKE 10:25-37

Tells, the familiar good Samaritan parable. Here we often read it as if Yeshua teaching us to be merciful. It really says more than that. The question the lawyer posed first started with him answering Yeshua’s question. “What is written in the law? How readest thou?”  with “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart and with all thy soul and with all thy strength and with all thy mind and thy neighbour as thyself” He then went on to ask Yeshua “And who is my neighbour?” Yeshua told the parable and asked in the end “Which now of these three (the Priest, the Levite and the Samaritan) thinkest thou was neighbour unto him that fell among the thieves?” Who was the neighbour? The lawyer’s answer was the Samaritan. He was to love the neighbour, the Samaritan as himself. What have I learned here? 

(a)  Samaritan and Jews were enemies. To love the Samaritan is to love our enemy. This is consistent with Yeshua’s “Love your enemies” Can we harbour ill against another and expect forgiveness? Matthew 6:12
(b)   It is loving someone who is “different” from us, different in the world’s eyes (perhaps different by way of thinking, or in culture or race etc) but who is like ourselves in the kingdom of God. We are to love the neigbour who is like ourselves in God’s eyes- all flawed, all need love, all commit sins perhaps same sin even! The Samaritan, the foreigner, the slaves were also like the Jews who were different in Egypt and who were slaves.
(c)    We shall do unto others as we shall have them do unto us. Wouldn’t we the one who gave help not want to be loved?
(d)   Part of loving is also to seek and look for the good in that person who is different from us. Can we not find in this different person his heart of kindness, mercifulness and generosity? Look beyond the differences.

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