Is this emotion right?

It is not all the time that our
hearts will blaze at a spiritual high. In our everyday life facing many
circumstances, many people, many challenges, this emotional high may not be
able to be sustained. How then do we keep walking in the Spirit? One of the
ways is to stop and ask ourselves, this emotion that we are feeling – what is
the end of it? [Eg. festering a dislike or harbouring ill feelings towards
another. Good health to my body? Distraction to what I should be concentrating on?
Hate and anger that Yeshua will be displeased about? (He is our suffering Lord
and is still suffering by the way, looking at mankind and their ways). Or is it
an emotion that will move me to be more compassionate?) If the end result is in
line with that of the clear cut instruction of the Lord, clearest instruction being
the Bible – then follow it. If not then just stop it and the Lord will lend you
support to do it.
Reminders: We are to walk in
close relationship with Him that He and us become one, that what we ask will be
what He wants.
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