Being of Use
...that if One died for all, then all died.
And He died for all that those who live should live no longer for themselves but for Him who died for them and rose again
Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation.old things have passed away behold all things have become anew.
2 Corinthians 5:10, 15,17
The Lord has already put
to death the false self ( the self that makes itself god). Our role is
to appropriate this fact by mind and by action. How? Turn/change/
reorient our minds our whole self and being to lose our self to Christ.
Radical abandonment of self reference to God reference. Deny yourself,
take up your cross.
We were made to be in
union with Christ. Yeshua prayed for this union. (John 17:21 & 23-
that they all may be one as you Father are in me and I in you that they
may also be one in Us. I in them and you in me that they may be made
perfect in one). The life in union is true life. Yeshua came in human
form to show us how a human should be. The false self has uprooted this
union and rooted itself in other things that draw us away from the
Father. These could be our titles, our possessions, our status, our
performances, our intellect, our ethnicity, our wealth. Detach ourselves
from these. They are crucified with Him. We need a whole new way of
thinking of acting. Acknowledge that our life is hidden with Christ. We
are hiding in Him. Do all our everyday things for Him. No need to ask
how we may be of use. We are to radically abandon to Him, the fruit of
which is availability for service to other. He will use us. We need to
only abandon all.
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