Hidden with Him
who called us by glory and virtue by which He has given to us exceedingly great and precious promises
that through these you may be par takers of divine nature having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust
By the knowledge of Him,
we grasp all things that pertain to life and godliness. We know Him by
walking with Him daily. And by this, we are able to partake in the
divine's nature.
When we live in union with God, we are restored to that which we should be I.e., to the fullness of the image of God.
What is the very essence of God's nature? (That we should follow?)
The cross. The cross is
the very essence. He comes to us when we are in the state of our false
self ( State apart from God. We, being our own God), enters into our
false self and works in us to enable us to be restored to the fullness
of our true self that is one who mirrors Him ( He is in us as we abide
in Him therefore we mirror Him). As we are one with Him, He takes hold
of our false self and our false self is crucified with Him when He is

We are then restored as
His beloved children, to become Christlike, to have the likeness of His
family. The false self needs to be crucified with our Lord if we are to
be adopted into the family.
We suffer with Him in
order to be glorified with Him Romans 8:15-17. How do we daily suffer
with Him? When we release the false self to the cross. It is with this
act that we deny ourselves - we take up our cross and follow Him (
Matthew 16:24)
Yeshua our master stands
at the door and knocks. When we open it, He enters to do what? To plunge
into our darkness ,our false self , giving it light for He is light.
This light is healing and liberating. He comes and eat with us. But we
are to open that door. We are to let go of that which we find our
identity our value( that is inconsistent with His) , let go of our
perception for instance that material wealth lends us value or our child
as our idol or it is how well I perform that gives me value. The door
is something we love more than God. Open it and let. Him in! The door
could be that deep seated resentment that has become part of you.
Crucify this false self by forgiving. Tough but this is where we deny
self and take up our cross. He will enter to heal.
Denying self, giving up
our false self requires our act. Resurrection with our Master is His
act. Begin by total abandonment and abiding in Him. Orient your entire
being and actions to things of the above
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