Thursday, November 29, 2012

Thinking clearly

1. Thinking clearly means filing our minds with the TRUTH.

2. The TRUTH is all that is NOT apart from God. (Anything that is claimed to be truth but is apart from God leads to death). The TRUTH is connected to our memory. We are to always bring in memory God's redemptive act conducted on our behalf through our personal history and God's history (as contained in the Bible - detailed study of the 1st five books of the Old Testament is encouraged). The TRUTH is the word of our Lord Jesus - the Gospel's studying, retaining, putting to practise and bringing his words to our minds. 

3. Doing all of the above will enable us to think clearly, move thoughts away from the state of weakness, fearful thoughts and will lead to calm rationale reasoning. Turn or transform your mind to His mind. May you pray for Godly wisdom (James 1:5) and may we have the mind of the Messiah (1 Cor 2:160.)

How do we avoid double mindedness? or How do we be single minded?

1. Draw near to God (James 4:8)

By prayer earnestly call out to Him. Be honest. He knows everything.

2. Take every thought that takes us away from TRUTH. This means constantly focusing on the TRUTH to be convinced of what IS the TRUTH (Study of scriptures). The Scriptures are the TRUTH, the reality.

3. Keep practising our faith. Live it out in order to give it strength and reality. We do not just embed seed into soil and watch the tree grow. We nurture it and overtime comes from fruit - the single mindedness.

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