Monday, August 26, 2013


Proverbs 18:2
A  fool takes no pleasure in understanding but only in expressing his opinion.

Proverbs 18: 15
An intelligent heart acquires knowledge and ear of the wise seeks knowledge

Romans 10:17
So faith comes from hearing and hearing through the word of Christ.

Many times we read the above passages and do not put much thought into them. We say yes we know these but do we really know? We will only be deemed to really know if we put them into practice and put it into practice without realizing it. We do it out of habit.

People can label us great conversationalist just by us listening and not saying a peep. A fool however does not listen but blabs away his opinion or he listens only to find opportunity to express his opinion on what he hears or he listens with coloured prejudged opinions. He does not listen to see if there is anything to learn. A wise man truly listens, searches for insights whether speaking to the most intelligent man in the world (by human standards) or the least educated fellow (Does this not require humility in a man?) He makes no pre-judgements. He makes no conclusions until he listens.  In Hebrew “heart” encompasses the mind, the emotions and the will. So the heart in Proverbs 18:15 , mind, emotions and will is always acquiring knowledge. How?  By listening to what others have to say and by listening and applying the word of God (Does this not require humility and loving God with all our heart? Does this not require a reverence for God? The Fear of the Lord is the beginning of all wisdom) . Knowledge and wisdom are not merely or necessarily, education in schools, colleges and universities but a person’s ability to make right choices, to manage life. Right choices cannot be by human standards for that is ever changing according to what people deem it right at some given time. Right choices are choices that God would be pleased with. His laws are ever constant. His words are ever constant. Making such right choices will enable one to profit from life’s opportunities and avoid the pitfalls.

The wise one (chakham) takes joy in learning and gaining wisdom. The wise one dares to make mistakes, picks himself up after making mistakes and continues. So today, we humble ourselves and begin to shop for knowledge in conversations, in books, in mistakes of others, in lives of others, anywhere, everywhere, anything and we make it a habit to do so.

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