Wednesday, March 13, 2013


1.       Salvation is not just deliverance from sin or experience of personal holiness.

2.      Its much more. It is the spirit of God in me which brings me into an intimate relationship with Him.
Christ died (He is the sacrificial lamb)

We accept

He lives in us


Sins forgiven
Not slaves to sin
Reconciled to God
Close intimate relationship with Him

Think deeply of such a gift.

1.       Redemption – We are sinful in nature, in disposition, in our spiritual DNA. He give humans a system from before Christ to deal with the unintended sins- the sacrificial system (Read through Leviticus and Numbers). He prepared humans for Christ – the ultimate sacrificial lamb to wash all our sins away.
2.       And on the cross all our sins were laid on Him. (The Israelites laid their hands on the sacrificial animal).
3.       And on the cross when He died our old self died.
4.       We are freed from being slaves to sin. We are freed from our old sinful disposition from our old spiritual DNA. We inherit His disposition. We are given new life- to start over. No longer are we Adam but Christ.
5.       He lives in us. He becomes more and more and we become less. With His spirit in us we can love Him (for how can any human in our own strength and ability love Him truly?) and we can love others (even those who are our enemies – for how can we do this on our own strength?) We can be what we cannot be, do what we cannot do , with Him being in us. Without Him in us, yes we can still do good obey His laws but truly  if we examine ourselves, +it will be mechanical and for self serving purposes which can range from pride, keeping busy, assuaging guilt, just simply doing because it is the culture of family or friends or society, because it is acceptable, because we wish to save ourselves from hell. (Does God really need our good works? No. He is not small. He wants an intimate relationship with us. With this relationship flows good works) Its  all about “us”, “me”, “I”. Without Him, we will run out of steam. If only we will accept His gift. Surrender ALL parts.

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